Entries by Breitbart News

The Queen: Hold Fast to Religion, “Ageless Ideals,” & Morality – 1st Televised Christmas Broadcast

“IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN EASY TO HATE AND DESTROY. TO BUILD AND TO CHERISH IS MUCH MORE DIFFICULT” — The late Queen Elizabeth II warned against “unthinking people” seeking to throw away “ageless ideals” in an age of rapid change in her first-ever televised Christmas message in 1957. “It’s not the new inventions which are […]

Stuart Scheller: There Has Been “No Accountability” for the Afghanistan Withdrawal

“President Biden blamed his predecessor. The military generals all pointed in other directions… Not one leader was able to stand up and say ‘Hey, we messed this up,’” said Marine veteran Stuart Scheller, who was famously fired and jailed after demanding accountability for the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, in an interview with Breitbart News.