Entries by Breitbart News

Giant Aquarium EXPLODES In Berlin Hotel Lobby

1,500 FISH OUT OF WATER — In a tragedy to aquarium lovers all over the world, the “Aquadom” in the Raddison Blu Hotel in Berlin, Germany, exploded early Friday killing the estimated 1,500 fish inside and flooding the lobby with almost 265,000 gallons of water. The 52-foot aquarium was described as the largest free-standing cylindrical […]

Trump Unveils Free Speech Policy Plan to “Shatter Left-Wing Censorship Regime”

Former President Donald Trump released a video Tuesday highlighting his free-speech policy platform if elected in 2024. Some policy points include banning federal officials from working with tech platforms to violate the 1st Amendment rights of Americans, revising Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, and establishing a cooling-off period requiring former employees of the […]