Entries by Breitbart News

Tampa Police Chief RESIGNS After Trying to PULL RANK

Tampa Police Chief Mary O’Connor resigned after video was released of her flashing her badge during a golf cart traffic stop. “I’m hoping you’ll let us go,” O’Connor told a Pinellas County sheriff’s deputy who pulled her husband over who was driving her in a golf cart with no tag on November 12. O’Connor asked […]

“Happiest Moment Ever” for ECSTATIC Researchers After Photographing Bird Last Documented 140 Yrs Ago

Researchers Jordan Boersma and Doka Nason accomplished an incredible feat after they captured a photograph of a bird species that had not been documented since 1882 on Fergusson Island, Papa New Guinea. Footage from September 29 shows the two researchers looking at their camera and finding a picture of the black-naped pheasant-pigeon they had been […]

TikToker Risked $5K Fine, 6 Months in Prison for This STUNT

TAKE A MULLIGAN! TikTok star Katie Sigmond roused the ire of the internet on October 26 when she posted a video on her Snapchat story showing her hitting a golfball (and somehow losing part of her club) into the Grand Canyon. Although the post was deleted quickly, members of the public helped authorities identify her. […]