Entries by Breitbart News

Here’s the Difference Between an AR-15 and “Assault Weapon”

Breitbart News’ AWR Hawkins shows the differences between the AR-15 and an “assault weapon” as Democrats push more legislation that would ban firearms like the AR-15 because of false claims that AR-15s are “assault weapons”. Visit Breitbart.com/Downrange to equip yourself with the latest statistics and news articles to defend your right to bear arms.

Media Weaponize “Disability Communities” Against Elon Musk/Twitter: “Disabled Fear Twitter Changes”

“Disabled users of the platform worry they will lose their lifeline,” said several news media outlets, broadly claiming that people with disabilities have fears about the changes on Twitter brought about by Elon Musk. “Many advocates worry that recent cutbacks and changes by Elon Musk could cause harm to disability communities online.”