Mike Pence Channels Andrew Breitbart on Preserving American Culture
Former Vice President Mike Pence cited the late Andrew Breitbart when discussing how to preserve American culture during a speech on his “Freedom Agenda” speech Wednesday morning.
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Former Vice President Mike Pence cited the late Andrew Breitbart when discussing how to preserve American culture during a speech on his “Freedom Agenda” speech Wednesday morning.
“I HATE RATS” — In a speech Monday, NYC Mayor Eric Adams (D) announced a drastic reduction on hours that trash can sit out on the streets in order to “kill rats.”
Chicago police received a flood of 911 calls on Friday about a man who was allegedly a victim of an auto theft clinging onto the top of a moving SUV.
At an event on Tuesday, President Joe Biden said he will veto a national abortion ban and vowed to codify Roe v. Wade following the midterm elections.
San Diego residents posted to Twitter different angles of similar-looking floating lights in the night sky. The orange lights were spotted in southern California Sunday night. San Diego is home to three naval bases, and similar lights are typically attributed to military exercises.
NYPD released surveillance footage of a group beating up a victim in the street outside of a store in Queens, NY. According to police two groups began a physical altercation outside of a convenience store that resulted in three 22-year-old men being non-fatally stabbed. One stabbing victim can be seen in the footage being beaten […]
Philadelphia Police officers were surrounded by a large group of people on ATVs and dirt bikes at a gas station on Sunday night. One rider crashed his stolen dirt bike into one of the gas pumps and fled on foot. As officers attempted to secure the stolen bike, other riders allegedly began to throw bottles […]
A Connecticut mom’s attempt to scare her twin toddlers with a skeleton prop that has a long history in the family turned out to be a total bust when the kids happily greeted it and shook its hand.
Independent journalist Rebecca Brannon captured the unrest that she said all took place on Friday night in Minneapolis.
“It is essentially a tax on the middle and working classes. It puts pressure on those people the most.” — Speaking at Turning Point USA’s Western Regional Conference on October 14, Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow stated his belief that “the greatest thing” anyone could do for the average American would be to make energy […]