Entries by Breitbart News

McEnany: Portland Mayor ‘Finally Seems to Realize’ Rioters Are Deliberately Violent

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany pointed out the “change of heart” in Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who no longer is uncritically repeating propaganda about the city’s left-wing insurgents being “peaceful protesters.” “You had some of these rioters shining lasers in officers’ eyes, disable security cameras, broke windows, use boards to barricade the doors and […]

McEnany: We Have No ‘Willing Negotiating Partners’ Among Democrat Lawmakers

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, said congressional Democrats are not cooperating with the White House on a non-partisan coronavirus relief bill during a press briefing Monday. “There’s still much more that we’d like to accomplish, but that includes having willing negotiating partners in Congress. And so far, we have none in the Democrat Party […]

CBP Chief: Agents Have ‘Saved Lives’ of Dozens of Migrants Infected with Coronavirus

Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan revealed Thursday that agents have saved the lives of nearly 60 illegal border crossers who later tested positive for coronavirus. “That should really concern everybody in this country, is that we have individuals that are still trying to illegally enter this country in those conditions,” he said. SOURCE