Entries by Breitbart News

Jim Acosta: Anti-CNN Memes Shared by Trump Are ‘Fake News’ and ‘Exploiting Children’

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany reminded CNN’s Jim Acosta and other media members on Friday that they exploited the Covington High School kids by wrongfully reporting that they were harassing a Native American man in Washington, D.C., when Acosta complained that a meme President Trump shared to attack CNN was “exploiting children”. SOURCE

Pelosi: Bolton’s Book Shows Trump ‘Ethically Unfit, Intellectually Unprepared’

“President Trump is clearly ethically unfit and intellectually unprepared to be the president of the United States. That doesn’t seem to matter to the Republicans in the United States Senate. It didn’t seem to matter to John Bolton. He chose royalty over patriotism,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Thursday regarding former National Security Adviser John […]

GOP Congressman Labels CHAZ a ‘Terrorist Organization’

Democrats are “minimizing” the violence in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) stated before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, explaining that they are “allowing rapes, robberies, and all sorts of [violent] acts to occur under the name of ‘peaceful protest’.” SOURCE