Entries by Breitbart News

Breitbart’s American Songwriter Showcase: Family, Faith, Freedom, and the Stories Behind the Hits

One of Andrew Breitbart’s enduring legacies is a simple yet powerful quote: politics is downstream from culture. We see this every day with liberal ideology permeating every aspect of our culture from movies and television to music to programming for children. But there is one cultural Alamo whereby artists are still defending and fighting for the […]

American Songwriter Special Preview: Michael Farren’s Tearjerker “Checking In” — Call Your Dad!

Sometimes a song goes straight to the heart. “Checking In” written by Michael Farren, Kenneth Hart, and Garrett Jacobs is one of those songs. Farren performed it as part of Breitbart/SiriusXM’s American Songwriter Special coming July 4. “Checking In: was recently cut as collaboration between Lee Brice and For King + Country, but Farren will […]

American Songwriter Special Preview: Jeffrey Steele’s Amazing Performance of “Am I the Only One?”

Just 3 days away from Breitbart / SiriusXM’s American Songwriter Special featuring 3 Nashville hit songwriters: Jeffrey Steele, Neil Thrasher, and Michael Farren.  Great stories, great music and a great hang. In this clip Jeffrey Steele shows why he’s in the Nashville Hall of Fame with a blistering performance of a song that reached #1 […]

American Songwriter Special” Preview: “Try That in a Small

The Breitbart/SiriusXM American Songwriter Special premieres on the 4th of July on SirusXM Patriot at 8 AM eastern. The entire video with bonus footage will be featured on Breitbart.com directly after. Come check out amazing stories, perspectives and performances from three of Nashville’s best: Jeffrey Steele, Neil Thrasher, and Michael Farren. This clip features hitmaker Neil Thrasher performing […]