Entries by PragerU

LIVE! Parent Alert: How to stop woke education?

How to stop woke education? Jill Simonian from PragerU Kids shares a beginner’s roadmap for restoring schools across the nation… citing California directives and practices as cautionary examples. Sign the petition now, Stop Woke Education: https://www.prageru.com/prageru-kids-back-to-school?utm_source=web&utm_medium=grid&utm_campaign=kids_back_to_school Get informed at PragerU.com/ParentAlert

The Pope Said WHAT about Hell? | Fireside Chat

Dennis disagrees with Pope Francis’s recent comments about hell. But why? Watch. 📲 Download the FREE PragerU app: https://prageru.onelink.me/3bas/vgyxvm79 Follow PragerU on social media! Instagram ➡️ (https://www.instagram.com/prageru/) Twitter ➡️ (https://twitter.com/prageru) Facebook ➡️ (https://www.facebook.com/prageru/)

From London to Mississippi: Why I Love America | 5 Minute Videos

Former UK member of Parliament Douglas Carswell believes that the new battleground for freedom is in America—specifically in the American South. That’s why he moved his family 4,000 miles to Mississippi. 📲 Watch this video ad-free: https://prageru.onelink.me/3bas/vgyxvm79 Follow PragerU on social media! Instagram ➡️ (https://www.instagram.com/prageru/) Twitter ➡️ (https://twitter.com/prageru) Facebook ➡️ (https://www.facebook.com/prageru/)

Is Death Scarier for an Atheist? | Fireside Chat

Why would an atheist be scared of dying? Dennis offers this listener some perspective. 📲 Download the FREE PragerU app: https://prageru.onelink.me/3bas/vgyxvm79 Follow PragerU on social media! Instagram ➡️ (https://www.instagram.com/prageru/) Twitter ➡️ (https://twitter.com/prageru) Facebook ➡️ (https://www.facebook.com/prageru/)