HEARTBREAKING: Olympic Boxer Breaks Down After Quitting Match to Save Her Life
This is just sad. Sign the petition to #SaveWomensSports 👉 https://l.prageru.com/4d6iPuO
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This is just sad. Sign the petition to #SaveWomensSports 👉 https://l.prageru.com/4d6iPuO
A controversial performance during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics featured a Last Supper scene with trans people and men in drag. Are we entering a post-Judeo-Christian era, or are we reverting to a pre-Biblical pagan world? Dennis explores what this means for our culture and answers your questions about studying different languages, praying […]
Venezeulan immigrant Franklin Camargo reacts to a clip of @aldobuttazzoni asking students what they think about open borders and illegal immigration.
This is wrong. Men don’t belong in women’s sports. Sign the petition to #SaveWomensSports 👉 https://l.prageru.com/4d6iPuO
PragerU CEO Marissa Streit sits down with Rania Dean and Omar Nasser, members of the Druze faith, to discuss the history of the Druze people and how they have been affected by conflicts in the Middle East.
This is gonna be the match of the century.
Why have destructive ideas become so contagious? Evolutionary psychologist Gad Saad and PragerU CEO Marissa Streit discuss why humans engage in maladaptive behaviors, why universities are the breeding grounds for bad ideas, and what are the best ways to achieve true happiness. 📲 Download the FREE PragerU app: https://prageru.onelink.me/3bas/vgyxvm79 Get Gad Saad’s new book The […]
@aldobuttazzoni emphasizes the point of having immigrants assimilate to America’s core founding principles.
They’re not even hiding it anymore.
Do you want your business to clean up? Then focus on the details. Trey Lewis is 14 and runs Clean Cruise Detailing in Thousand Oaks, California. In this episode of The Hustle, Aldo learns how Trey uses prospecting, recurring customers, and pull marketing to soak up over $1,400 a month. 📲 Download the FREE PragerU […]