What Makes A Great Leader?
Dennis Prager explains what qualities make a great leader in his recent episode of the Fireside Chat.
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Dennis Prager explains what qualities make a great leader in his recent episode of the Fireside Chat.
During the Fireside Chat, Dennis Prager explains how it’s best for people with religious beliefs to marry someone within their same religion.
When they can’t debate, they just bark. @aldobuttazzoni
As the Korean War intensified, war-weary Americans turned to a new leader, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the hero of World War II, to bring them peace. “Ike,” as he was known to everyone, didn’t disappoint them. Script: The Allies defeated the Axis powers—Germany and Japan—in World War II in no small part because of America’s […]
The 1950s are widely regarded as a period of undisputed American greatness. The United States dominated the world in almost every respect, from science to culture, from John Wayne westerns to commercial aviation. What was Dwight Eisenhower’s role in this decade of prosperity? John Yoo, Professor of Law at the University of California, Berkeley, has […]
Watch Sarah’s full story here: https://l.prageru.com/3kCuJGE
Do you know the real stories of our Founding Fathers? Learn the true stories of the men who built America and risked everything to create the greatest nation the world has ever known. Join the challenge 👉 https://l.prageru.com/3KWpzPC Become a member of this channel to support PragerU: https://l.prageru.com/3QUqK4q 📲 Download the FREE PragerU app: https://l.prageru.com/45jIz3A […]
Dennis prager answers a question on whether or not widows should remarry. Watch the full episode here: https://l.prageru.com/3VDieZY
Tell the average American you’re a liberal and they’ll assume you’re on the political left. Yet, leftists and liberals hold very different positions on key issues. In this video, Dennis Prager explains how the tenets of liberalism like a belief in capitalism and free speech have more in common with conservatism than with the identity […]
The Seattle Police Department is hiring illegal aliens to police their streets. Climate terrorists attack Stonehenge. A new survey uncovers the most concerning issues for potential voters. And Russia signed a mutual defense treaty with North Korea that could mean big trouble for the rest of the world. Become a member of this channel to […]