Entries by PragerU

Cash Course: Renting vs. Owning

@PragerUKids Should you rent or should you own? It’s an age-old question that applies to basic things like clothes and furniture, as well as major items like cars and houses. In this episode of Cash Course, we break down the pros and cons of each option, what to consider, and how to decide whether to […]

Are You Proud of Your Race?

@aldobuttazzoni Does it make sense to be proud (or ashamed) of something you have no control over—like your height, hair, skin color, or where you were born? Aldo travels to Venice Beach, California to ask whites, blacks, and people of all different races and nationalities what is worthy of pride. SUBSCRIBE 👉 https://www.prageru.com/join #usa #manonthestreet

Why Did America Fight the Korean War?

What was the Korean War? And why was America involved in such a faraway conflict? Was the United States’ sacrifice—35,000 killed, over 100,000 wounded—worth it? Historian Victor Davis Hanson, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, shares the fascinating story of the transformative war that many have forgotten. SUBSCRIBE 👉 https://www.prageru.com/join Script: Mention the Korean War […]

DETRANS | Full Documentary

The Dangers of Gender-Affirming Care Sign the petition to protect kids from harmful transgender ideology: https://l.prageru.com/3s9t12U What happens when a child is told she is born in the wrong body and undergoes life-altering surgery only to experience regret? A growing number of young Americans are being manipulated by social media and pushed by medical professionals […]