Entries by PragerU

Street Smarts: The House of Representatives

The House of Representatives is an important part of the U.S. government, but do your kids know why? This hilarious game show will teach your middle and high school students about this important legislative body as Uncle Sam quizzes young people on the purpose and powers of the House of Representatives. @PragerUKids #kidseducationvideo #kids #parents

Is Capitalism Moral?

What do people think about capitalism? Does it breed greed and corruption? If so, there must be a better system that everyday Americans would rather live under. Or does capitalism start to look good when compared to communism and socialism? Aldo hits the streets of Denver to find out. #manonthestreet #capitalism #communism

Selina Lewis: Don’t Tell Me How to Think Because I’m Black

Raised in an apolitical home, Selina Lewis thought she disagreed with conservative ideas, but she had simply never been exposed to them before. After being shown a PragerU video—and discovering black conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Ben Carson, and Larry Elder—Selina’s eyes were opened, and her mind was changed. SUBSCRIBE 👉 https://www.prageru.com/join #shortdocumentary #prageru #politics