Entries by PragerU

Who Wouldn’t Want Universal Basic Income?

SUBSCRIBE 👉 https://www.prageru.com/join If the government gave people enough money to take care of their basic needs, could we eliminate poverty? Proponents of Universal Basic Income think so. Are they right? Would it really be that simple? Aldo Buttazzoni lays out the pros and cons of UBI. #ubi #basicincome #prageru @aldobuttazzoni Script: How does this […]

Reacting to the Viral “Random Man In Atlanta” Controversy

A woman’s story of being abandoned 30 days postpartum by her baby daddy, a “random man in Atlanta,” has become a massively viral TikTok story with as many as six other baby mamas being discovered and the random man himself emerging to defend his name. We’ll go down the rabbit hole and discuss what this […]

Fireside Chat Ep. 303 — The California Hurricane Freak-Out

Watch the Full Episode: https://l.prageru.com/3PcbPmH Hurricane Hilary descended upon Southern California this week, as media hysteria and alerts of “life-threatening floods” sent residents into a panic. Nearly everyone complied with instructions to shelter in place, even though one look outside would have assured any rational person there was nothing to fear. Dennis discusses this perplexing […]

Cash Course: Manage Your Financial Hygiene

@PragerUKids SUBSCRIBE 👉 https://www.PragerUkids.com We’ve heard of personal hygiene, but do you know about financial hygiene? Just like forgetting to brush your teeth, neglecting your financial hygiene (such as monitoring accounts to stay within a budget, catch fraud, and eliminate unnecessary expenses) can lead to some nasty consequences. This episode of Cash Course teaches youth […]