Entries by PragerU

Understanding the Complexity of Israel at 75

SUBSCRIBE 👉 https://www.prageru.com/join Why is a small country the size of New Jersey so admired and hated? What is it about Israel, a 75-year-old democracy nestled in the Middle East, shared by many religions and ethnicities, that continues to draw everyone’s attention? Michael Oren, the former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, sits with PragerU […]

Annabella Rockwell: I Entered College Happy. I Left Angry.

SUBSCRIBE 👉 https://www.prageru.com/join Annabella Rockwell was raised in an America-loving home but became indoctrinated with leftist ideology when she went away to college. As the Judeo-Christian values she grew up with were replaced with radical ideas about victimhood, oppression, and gender inequality, Annabella began to alienate her close friends and family. But in the summer […]