Speaking Out Against Lockdowns Cost Me My Job
Jennifer Sey went from an influential executive to an enemy overnight and walked away from a potential $1 million severance. Watch now – https://l.prageru.com/44Yi82E #shorts #lockdown #covid
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Jennifer Sey went from an influential executive to an enemy overnight and walked away from a potential $1 million severance. Watch now – https://l.prageru.com/44Yi82E #shorts #lockdown #covid
SUBSCRIBE 👉 https://www.prageru.com/join Watch The Full Episode Now – https://l.prageru.com/45oC4M0 A viewer in Africa writes a thoughtful and difficult question to Dennis: Why believe in a God that allows horrible things to happen? Watch to see how Dennis responds to the idea that an all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful God allows us to suffer without offering […]
@aldobuttazzoni #billmaher #shorts #women
Right now, your donation will be doubled. Help us keep our videos free and ensure we reach millions of young Americans. Donate now – https://l.prageru.com/3s1ZZSZ #america #conservative #republican
We have a lot to celebrate in this special 300th Fireside Chat! Watch Full Episode – https://l.prageru.com/44WstfA @PragerUKids #kids #education #prageru
Why are The Young Turks so outraged about PragerU Kids now being an approved educational vendor in Florida schools? PragerU Kids provides wholesome, age-appropriate, educational content that is patriotic, clean, and not political. Watch PragerU CEO Marissa Streit’s response to The Young Turks, then review our materials for yourself at https://www.prageru.com/kids to see if what […]
Sign the petition to get PragerU in schools! – https://l.prageru.com/3Y5toHO If school choice gives parents and students options for better education, why are the largest teachers unions against it? @realcjpearson sits down with former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to discuss why school choice empowers parents and will improve education for students. SUBSCRIBE 👉 https://www.prageru.com/join #schools […]
@realtalkwithmarissa @VivaFrei #justintrudeau #canada
@aldobuttazzoni Sign the petition to protect minors from harmful transgender ideology. – https://l.prageru.com/3s9t12U #manonthestreet #gender
Sign the petition to protect kids from harmful transgender ideology. – https://l.prageru.com/3DNPTaO Should minors be allowed to have sex-change operations? If so, how young is “too young”? To get answers to these questions, @aldobuttazzoni travels to West Hollywood and then to the city of Compton. What he hears from people in both cities may surprise […]