Entries by PragerU

Fireside Chat Ep. 272 — Should Your Conscience Be Your Guide?

Watch the full episode of this Fireside Chat: https://l.prageru.com/3D02NT3 To whom are you morally accountable? If not God, the most common answer is often “my own conscience.” Dennis explains why this is problematic. #god #conscience #morality 📲 Take PragerU videos with you everywhere you go. Download our free mobile app! Download for Apple iOS ➡ […]

Is “Hate Speech” Free Speech?

Does the First Amendment protect hate speech? Aldo travels to UCLA to ask if censorship is ever justified. Do the students and faculty think the First Amendment is outdated? Sign up to never miss a new video! https://www.prageru.com/series/man-on-the-street #firstamendment #prageru #manonthestreet #ucla

The Book Club: The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan with Allie Stucky

Christians have been mocked, humiliated, and persecuted for their faith for hundreds of years. The Pilgrim’s Progress, written by Puritan preacher John Bunyan while he was in prison for holding religious services, is an encouraging reminder that difficulties and hardships are part and parcel with a life of faith. Allie Stuckey joins Michael Knowles to […]

LIVE CHAT: Parent Call-To-Action!

Instead of complaining about our education system, here’s what we CAN do. Jill Simonian of PragerU Kids exposes New Hampshire’s Dept of Health & Human Service’s invasive school survey and a wellness “spot” at a California elementary school. Reject radical & non-academic directives in our schools, educate your kids with PragerUKids.com.

The Constitution: A Nation of States

How did thirteen separate colonies become the United States of America? The answer is found in the second half of the American Constitution—Articles IV through VII. Kurt Lash, Professor of Law at the University of Richmond, explains. SUBSCRIBE 👉 https://www.prageru.com/join #constitution #america #prageru #history Script: The first half of the Constitution —Articles I, II and […]