Entries by PragerU

Fireside Chat Ep. 148 — We Must Understand History To Value Liberty

It is difficult to value liberty without a strong understanding of history. Because naturally, humans desire equality over liberty. Yet anytime a society strives for equality of result, it will necessarily sacrifice freedom. America’s preference, Dennis explains, is that we are all equal before God and the law, and results are up to you. 0:00 […]

It’s Time to Grow Up

We all know that there’s more to maturity than simply growing older. So what characteristics do you need to become a mature person? And why will that help you lead a better life? UCLA Medical School psychiatrist Dr. Stephen Marmer explains. FOLLOW us! Facebook: 👉https://www.facebook.com/prageru Twitter: 👉https://twitter.com/prageru Instagram: 👉https://instagram.com/prageru/ SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a […]

New 5-Minute Video Coming Soon!

There’s more to growing up than simply growing older. So what characteristics do you need to become a mature person? And why will maturity help you lead a better life? UCLA Medical School psychiatrist Dr. Stephen Marmer has answers to these questions in this upcoming video. Subscribe to be notified when the video drops! 👉 […]

New Episode of The Book Club Coming Soon!

Up next on The Book Club with Michael Knowles 👉 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley with special guest Sen. Ted Cruz! 📚 Get reading today and be ready to join this eye-opening discussion on Tuesday 8/18. 📚 Subscribe for the latest updates: https://www.prageru.com/book-club/ For more of Michael, check out The Michael Knowles Show on […]

Up Next on the Book Club!

The next episode of The Book Club with Michael Knowles is coming soon! You won’t want to miss this eye-opening discussion of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley with special guest Sen. Ted Cruz! 📚 📚 Subscribe for the latest updates and to get notified when the episode drops on Tuesday 8/18: https://www.prageru.com/book-club/ For more […]

Big Tech Is Censoring PragerU and Frontline Doctors

The message is clear: stick to the left’s narrative, or you will be wiped off the Internet. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are all censoring and removing our content! Stop Big Tech censorship and sign our petition here: https://www.prageru.com/petition/doctors/ SOURCE