Entries by PragerU

Americanos: Felix Guillermo, Dominican Republic

School principal and community leader Felix Guillermo shares how faith and his Dominican heritage gave him the strength to challenge the one-sided leftist perspective he encountered in education. SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a new video! 👉 http://prageru.com/americanos SOURCE

Is California Going Up in Flames?

California used to be the Golden State. Now the Blackout State might be more accurate, as the fear of wildfires forces public utilities to periodically power down. But wildfires have always been part of California’s history, so what’s changed? Radio talk show host John Kobylt’s answer to this burning question might surprise you. FOLLOW us! […]

The Candace Owens Show: Zuhdi Jasser

Why are leftists siding with radical Islamic regimes? Zuhdi Jasser, president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, discusses why leftism and Islamism are a natural alliance paired to dismantle American democracy. SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a new video! 👉 https://www.prageru.com/series/candace/ SOURCE

COMING SOON: Is California Going Up in Flames?

California is known as the Golden State but the Blackout State might be more accurate, as the fear of wildfires forces public utilities to periodically power down. But wildfires have always been part of California’s history, so what’s changed? Radio talk show host John Kobylt’s answer to this burning question might surprise you. Subscribe to […]

Fireside Chat Ep. 148 — We Must Understand History To Value Liberty

It is difficult to value liberty without a strong understanding of history. Because naturally, humans desire equality over liberty. Yet anytime a society strives for equality of result, it will necessarily sacrifice freedom. America’s preference, Dennis explains, is that we are all equal before God and the law, and results are up to you. 0:00 […]

It’s Time to Grow Up

We all know that there’s more to maturity than simply growing older. So what characteristics do you need to become a mature person? And why will that help you lead a better life? UCLA Medical School psychiatrist Dr. Stephen Marmer explains. FOLLOW us! Facebook: 👉https://www.facebook.com/prageru Twitter: 👉https://twitter.com/prageru Instagram: 👉https://instagram.com/prageru/ SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a […]