Entries by PragerU

Fireside Chat Ep. 290 — Know Thyself (Including Your Strengths)

Watch The Full Episode: https://l.prageru.com/437KWou Are you guilty of pride if you acknowledge your strengths? Dennis has been writing and speaking to large audiences for decades. His success has taught him valuable lessons about arrogance, humility, and self-esteem that we can all benefit from when it comes to examining ourselves.

Student Loans 101

How do your kids plan to pay for college? Taking out student loans may sound like a good idea, but it’s a huge obligation for a young adult to take on. Before making a decision, learn the basics of student loans, what they are, and how they work with this episode of Cash Course.

Dumbing down our kids: Our schools are lowering standards & assuming parents aren’t paying attention

from civics to sex-ed. Jill Simonian of PragerU Kids discusses timely headlines happening in our education system. Parents, stay informed and active! Subscribe for free to PragerUkids.com to nourish your child’s mind. Access our free Parent Action Guide to get started in your school district: https://assets.ctfassets.net/qnesrjodfi80/18WDTi8qlqc5FZMBMchXQy/d63107b3afeb4c3015c397d4b6f5d40d/PREP_2022ParentActionGuide_FINAL__1_.pdf

Foods That Hurt or Help Your Brain with Max Lugavere

SUBSCRIBE 👉 https://www.prageru.com/join Can certain foods boost your brain power? Do you know what foods are best to eat and which to avoid? Max Lugavere has spent the last 10 years researching how food impacts our health. He speaks with PragerU CEO Marissa Streit to dispel common myths and answer questions about nutrition. If you’re […]