Entries by PragerU


Explore the critical moments and figures throughout history that made the world what it is today. Through TBH videos {To Be Honest}, learn what your history … SOURCE

How to Prep for a Job

Overwhelmed by the prospect of getting your first job? Just start where you are. Your first job probably won’t be your dream job, and that’s ok! Here’s a … SOURCE

The Book Club: Race and Culture by Thomas Sowell with Farah Jimenez

On this episode of The Book Club, Michael Knowles and Farah Jimenez discuss Race and Culture, Thomas Sowell’s powerful analysis on why culture has a profound impact on the socioeconomic outcomes of different minority groups. Is systemic racism really to blame? In our fast-paced world, it’s tough to make reading a priority. At least it […]

What Did She Say?! J.K. Rowling Gets Death Threats Over Comments – Will & Amala LIVE

On today’s show: Australia’s insane lockdown, Texas passes a law to stop teachers from indoctrinating kids, JK Rowling gets death threats for her comments about transgenderism, and Ben & Jerry’s won’t sell products in Occupied Palestianian Territory. Don’t miss this one! Texas Senate Passes Based Law To Stop Teachers From Indoctrinating Kids https://www.huffpost.com/entry/texas-senate-education-bill-white-supremacy_n_60f50cf6e4b01f11895b2dc3?05e JK Rowling […]

Missouri Schools HIDE Critical Race Theory in Curriculum

Missouri schools are claiming that “#Diversity, #Equity, and Inclusion” education is not teaching #CriticalRaceTheory, but is that really the case? PragerU Kids’ Jill Simonian is joined by Amala Ekpunobi to react. Get solutions for fighting woke indoctrination and pro-America resources for your kids! PragerU.com/Kids SOURCE