Entries by PragerU


Dr. Karlyn Borysenko would never choose to attend a Trump rally, so how did she find herself surrounded by 11,000 Trump supporters? What changed her mind? Get notified when the video drops: prageru.com/join SOURCE

Should We Defund the Police?

Wow! You have to wonder how many Americans hold the same (VERY-incorrect) assumptions. Watch what happened when Will Witt and Brandon Tatum changed minds with some basic facts. SOURCE

The Book Club: 1984 by George Orwell with Dave Rubin

George Orwell’s novel, 1984, portrays a dystopian world where Big Brother reigns supreme. Today, however, Orwell’s warning against totalitarianism reads more like a newspaper than a work of fiction. Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, joins Michael Knowles to dissect the pages of this classic work. In our fast-paced world, it’s tough to make […]

If We Lose John Locke, We Lose America

Most of us learned the key ideas of the Declaration of Independence in school: that “all men are created equal,” “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,” that government’s job is “to secure these rights.” This was a radical departure from the way things had always been. Where did these revolutionary ideas come from? […]

NEW RELEASE this Monday

Most of us learned the key ideas of the Declaration of Independence in school: that “all men are created equal,” “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,” that government’s job is “to secure these rights.” This was a radical departure from the way things had always been. Where did these revolutionary ideas come from? […]

Are the Police Targeting Unarmed Blacks?

If you didn’t know any better, the media’s narrative would have you believe that police are brutalizing unarmed black men by the thousands across the country. But is that really the case? Will Witt went to Venice Beach to find out what these young men think. SOURCE