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Entries by PragerU
Winston Marshall Explains How a Two-Tier System is Destroying The United Kingdom
/in EDUCATION, PRAGERU/by PragerUIn the UK, Christians are arrested for praying silently in public while radical Muslims threatening local Jews continue to go unpunished. Former lead guitarist of Mumford and Sons, Winston Marshall, explains how a two-tier system is destroying his country. Watch the full episode on 1/8.
Canadians Want Freedom! | Real Talk | PragerU
/in EDUCATION, PRAGERU/by PragerU“Freedom” is a rallying cry of the “far right”? That’s what the Canadian government says. We used to think of Canada as a free country, but with all the excessive government overreach lately, it’s become unrecognizable. PragerU CEO Marissa Streit speaks with Viva Frei, a Canadian-born lawyer and podcaster, who documented the Freedom Convoy in […]
Remember When Ricky Gervais ROASTED Hollywood? 😂
/in EDUCATION, PRAGERU/by PragerUWhat a classic moment.
Viva Frei: Canadians Are More Complacent Than Americans
/in EDUCATION, PRAGERU/by PragerUDo you agree or disagree?
Man says Birth Certificate Says “Female” 🤨
Girling the Boy Scouts | 5 Minute Videos | PragerU
/in EDUCATION, PRAGERU/by PragerUMen—and the boys who aspire to become men—are in a sorry state. If only there were an organization to encourage boys to strive for goodness, self-mastery, and excellence! Of course, such an institution already exists—or at least it did. What happened to it? Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has the answer. 📲 Watch […]
Could You See a Feminist Working Here? 😂
/in EDUCATION, PRAGERU/by PragerUSend in those resumes! @XAVIAERD
Should Hawaii be a Sanctuary State? | Man on the Street | PragerU
/in EDUCATION, PRAGERU/by PragerUBack in 2019, Will Witt had to see what the locals had to say about illegal immigration and sanctuary status. 📲 Watch our content ad-free on our app: https://prageru.onelink.me/3bas/vgyxvm79 Follow PragerU on social media! Instagram ➡️ (https://www.instagram.com/prageru/) Twitter ➡️ (https://twitter.com/prageru) Facebook ➡️ (https://www.facebook.com/prageru/)
INSANE: Man Identifes as Woman to Win Cycling Competition
/in EDUCATION, PRAGERU/by PragerUSign the petition to #SaveWomensSports at link in bio.