Entries by PragerU

Rittenhouse Jury Bus Followed, Bill Gates’s MSM "Donations" – Will & Amala LIVE (Part 1)

TODAY’S STREAM CUT OUT – PART 2 HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHCQdeYzl6g 0:00 – Will Follows Juror Amala Home 1:02 – Kyle Rittenhouse Kangaroo Court 8:48 – Bill Gates Has Given $319 Million to MSM 20:21 – Do Americans Need to Live More Like Europeans? Will and Amala are back today reacting to Chelsea Handler calling Kyle Rittenhouse […]

Joe Rogan Torches Colin Kaepernick's Racist Pandering

Colin Kaepernick compares playing in the NFL to slavery; Joe Rogan torches his racist pandering. Get politics out of sports! 🚨 PragerU is experiencing severe censorship on Big Tech platforms. Go to https://www.prageru.com/ to watch our videos free from censorship! Stay up-to-date on our latest releases! 👉 https://www.prageru.com/series/the-pulse/ Take PragerU videos with you everywhere you […]

Should We Have Vaccine Mandates?

Will Witt asked students at the University of North Texas their opinion of vaccine mandates. Let us know if their responses surprised you.👇 🚨 PragerU is experiencing severe censorship on Big Tech platforms, go to PragerU.com to watch our videos free of censorship! Sign up to never miss a new video! https://www.prageru.com/series/man-on-the-street/ SOURCE

Will & Amala Go on a Police Ride-Along!

Does police presence deter crime? Whatever you think about the issue, you’ll have a new perspective after watching what happened during this ride-along with the LAPD. More on the police’s community work: https://operationprogressla.org/ #lapd #police SOURCE

Healthcare Is Not a Right: A Video Marathon

Single-payer or government-run healthcare: What’s the problem with it? How can healthcare costs be brought down? What role does insurance play? How does healthcare compare in Canada? These questions and MORE in our playlist all about healthcare. SOURCE