Entries by PragerU

Can Greed Be Good?

International Libertarian Broadcaster and author, Gloria Alvarez, stops by to discuss Ayn Rand and her philosophy of objectivism. Can greed be good? That controversial question is addressed head-on in this enlightening conversation. This episode is part of a new series in partnership with The Daily Wire featuring in-depth discussions with PragerU experts about their 5-minute […]

Is China’s History America’s Future?

Chinese immigrant and author of “Confucius Never Said,” Helen Raleigh sits down with Georgia Howe to discuss how capitalism lifted the Chinese people out of national poverty, and how the return of their Maoist ways may result in dire consequences. This episode is part of a new series in partnership with The Daily Wire featuring […]

Who Has Privilege?

To put it mildly, Adam Carolla didn’t grow up with privilege. He doesn’t even know how to spell it. So where did the current obsession with privilege come from? And how do we get over it? FOLLOW PragerU! Facebook: 👉https://www.facebook.com/prageru Twitter: 👉https://twitter.com/prageru Instagram: 👉https://instagram.com/prageru/ SUBSCRIBE 👉 https://www.prageru.com/join/ To view the script, sources, quiz, visit: https://www.prageru.com/video/who-has-privilege […]

The Candace Owens Show: Race in America

Over the past few years, Candace Owens has had many important conversations on the issue of race relations with a powerful lineup of guests. In this special compilation episode, watch some of the most insightful moments and best discussions of racial issues from The Candace Owens Show. Subscribe so you never miss a new episode! […]

Former Antifa Member Speaks Out

Former Antifa member turned conservative activist, Gabriel Nadales, joins Georgia Howe to discuss what it was like to be a part of the Black Bloc and the shocking story that began his conversion to conservatism. This episode is part of a new series in partnership with The Daily Wire featuring in-depth discussions with PragerU experts […]

Craftory: American Flag Cork Board

Why do we have different versions of our American flag? A short history of our stars and stripes while turning a plain bulletin board into Old Glory… 5-point pushpins and all! Are you a parent or an educator? Join PragerU’s new PREP program and gain exclusive access to our online forum of pro-America resources, support, […]