Entries by PragerU

SHAMEFUL: Olympic Athlete PROTESTS the American Flag

0:00 – Intro 0:35 – Introduction after technical difficulties 0:48 – Olympic Trial Athlete Turns Away From US Flag 9:14 – Oli London Trans Racial 18:27 – Supreme Court Transgender Appeal 21:22 – Naked Man Allowed in Women’s Day Spa 30:13 – Black Dancers TikTok Strike Happy Monday! On today’s live: A U.S. Olympic athlete […]

John Adams: American Founder and Second President

“The man to whom the country is most indebted for the great measure of independence is Mr. John Adams.” That was from a delegate to the Continental Congress. But how much do you know about this influential thinker and second president of the United States? Brad Thompson, Professor of Political Science at Clemson University, tells […]

Fireside Chat Ep. 192 — Disturbing: Iowa School Documents Leaked

The Iowa public school system has MANDATED Critical Race Theory and Dennis reviews a shocking document that the state’s teachers are forced to use. You won’t believe the things it paints with a “white supremacy” brush. Dennis’s column this week: https://dennisprager.com/column/if-america-is-racist-why-have-millions-of-blacks-emigrated-here-did-jews-emigrate-to-germany-in-the-1930s/ 0:00 Otto Thanks You 0:45 Iowa School System Documents Leaked 3:02 “Make America Great […]

FIRED UP: Parents Stand Up to School Boards against Marxist Critical Race Theory Indoctrination

More and more courageous parents are standing up to their school boards and speaking out against the noxious anti-American ideology known as Critical Race Theory! Stay up-to-date on our latest releases! 👉 https://www.prageru.com/series/the-pulse/ Are you a parent or an educator? Join PragerU’s new PREP program and gain exclusive access to our online forum of pro-America […]

Woke Teacher Tells Kids to SIT for Pledge of Allegiance

PragerU Kids’ Jill SImonian reacts to a video of a woke schoolteacher defending Critical Race Theory in his classroom and instructing students to sit for the pledge of allegiance. Meanwhile, PragerU’s NEW children’s book “Otto’s Tales” teaching children about the national anthem and pledge of allegiance becomes a BESTSELLER on Amazon. PragerU’s Kids Book “Otto’s […]