Entries by PragerU

Twitter MELTS DOWN over CDC Announcement, Police are Like Nazis?

On today’s livestream: A Maryland public employee compares all police to Nazis, people lose their minds over the CDC announcing that vaccinated people don’t need to wear masks, PLUS taking your questions. Will Witt and Amala Ekpunobi react to this and more, don’t miss it! Follow Will & Amala on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram: @thewillwitt […]

Is White Privilege Real?

Will Witt got ALL KINDS of answers to this question. Who do you most agree with? Sign up so you never miss a new Will Witt video! 👉 https://www.prageru.com/series/man-on-the-street/ SOURCE

Is “Follow the Science” Scientific?

Astrophysicist Brian Keating joins George Howe from The Daily Wire to discuss why anytime someone says “Follow the Science” he gets worried. They also explore what science can and can’t provide to society. This episode is part of a new series in partnership with The Daily Wire featuring in-depth discussions with PragerU experts about their […]

Storytime: Otto’s Tales — From Sea to Shining Sea

In this rhyming tale by Callista Gingrich, we learn about great American explorers Lewis & Clark… and how our country grew to span ‘from sea to shining sea.’ Are you a parent or an educator? Join PragerU’s new PREP program and gain exclusive access to our online forum of pro-America resources, support, and tools that […]

Stories of Us: Adam Carolla

Cancel culture is eroding America as we know it. It’s up to every person, especially those in the media and Hollywood, to stand up against it. Comedian and podcast host Adam Carolla explains why it’s time to be courageous on this episode of Stories of Us. Get notified when a new episode drops! 👉 https://www.prageru.com/series/stories-of-us/ […]

This Is PragerU

Never miss a PragerU video! Join for free today: https://www.prageru.com/join/ Get your own Will Witt pillow! https://shop.prageru.com/collections/prageru-accessories/products/will-witt-pillow-1 SOURCE

Killing Comedy

Seth Dillon is the CEO of The Babylon Bee, where they write satire for a living. You’d think that would be easy in today’s absurd world, but in reality, it’s just the opposite. Seth explains why this endangers the very concept of free speech and the open exchange of ideas. FOLLOW PragerU! Facebook: 👉https://www.facebook.com/prageru Twitter: […]