Entries by PragerU

Amala Reacts to the Shooting of Ma’Khia Bryant

The media is already running away with a narrative of “yet another police shooting of a black person,” but what are the facts? Amala goes over the bodycam footage moment by moment and responds to the media’s dishonest and incendiary coverage of this situation. FOLLOW us! Facebook: 👉https://www.facebook.com/prageru​ Twitter: 👉https://twitter.com/prageru​ Instagram: 👉https://instagram.com/prageru/​ SUBSCRIBE so you […]

The Book Club: The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Tolstoy with Matt Walsh

Leo Tolstoy’s novella speaks volumes on mortality, conformity, societal expectations, and what it means to live an authentic life. Ivan Ilyich suffers on his deathbed until he is able to fully confront his mortality. This same denial of death and the anguish it causes can be seen in our culture today, brought into focus by […]

Activists Are Pushing Climate Hysteria

We need a more balanced conversation on climate change, not alarmism. Join us this Earth Day to demand that science be free of ideological bias! Sign the petition 👉 https://www.prageru.com/earth-day-petition/ Stay up-to-date on our latest releases: https://www.prageru.com/series/the-pulse/ SOURCE

China: Friend or Foe?

With the help of the United States and other western powers, China has become an economic powerhouse. The idea was that prosperity would persuade China to align its interests with the other free nations of the world. But that’s not what happened. Former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley explains why. FOLLOW PragerU! […]

The Candace Owens Show: The Lies of Modern Feminism

Being a feminist today means holding contempt for men, the nuclear family, motherhood, and femininity—going against everything the original women’s movement stood for. In this special compilation episode, Candace Owens and her guests discuss why modern feminism is a departure from securing women’s rights to adopting leftist ideology. Subscribe so you never miss a new […]

Fireside Chat Ep. 182 — Clarity over Agreement

An 8-year-old sent Dennis some Fireside Chat fan mail, which is terrific but also raises a question: What makes Dennis’s Chats appreciated even by children? Dennis has been public speaking since his 20s, and he gives some advice on how to be an effective communicator. Also: Why you must resist globalism, how to mend a […]

Where Are Your Tax Dollars Going?

Will Witt is at Florida International University to see how people feel about certain programs the government funds using our tax dollars. Don’t miss their reactions! Sign up so you never miss a new Will Witt video! 👉 https://www.prageru.com/series/man-on-the-street/ SOURCE

Stories of Us: Samaire Armstrong

“My message to those in Hollywood right now: We need to break the silence before it’s too late.” Actress Samaire Armstrong, who appeared in the hit TV show “The O.C.,” came out of the closet as a conservative in Hollywood. She encourages others like her to speak out against the forced conformity and cancel culture […]