Entries by PragerU

How to Take Care of an American Flag

Want to show off love for your country? Display the American flag! But when you do, be sure to treat this national symbol with dignity. Here are some great tips on how to treat the American flag with the respect it deserves. Are you a parent or an educator? Join PragerU’s new PREP program and […]

Craftory: Military Appreciation Wreath

We love our military! Craft your own no-sew DIY wreath — to honor our troops and show how much we appreciate them. Are you a parent or an educator? Join PragerU’s new PREP program and gain exclusive access to our online forum of pro-America resources, support, and tools that can rescue your children’s education. 👉 […]

Is the Border Wall Bad for Immigration?

Will Witt has some tough but logical questions for someone who’s against the border wall. Let’s see how he handles them. Sign up so you never miss a new Will Witt video! 👉 https://www.prageru.com/series/man-on-the-street/ SOURCE

Fireside Chat Ep. 180 — Is There a Moral Case for the Death Penalty?

Candlelight vigils are held for the most brutal murderers—attended by people opposed to the death penalty. But have they ever held a vigil for the murdered innocent? 🤔 Dennis examines the moral arguments both in favor of and against the death penalty in this week’s Fireside Chat. Dennis’s column this week: https://dennisprager.com/column/the-american-civil-war-is-over-judeo-christian-values/ Watch our 5-Minute […]

COPS: Thought Crimes Unit with Officer Will Witt

Policing people’s thoughts is a tough job, but someone’s got to do it—and that someone is Officer Will Witt of the Thought Crimes Unit. Our camera crew follows along as he responds to yet another “Code 1984” free thought violation. Sign up so you never miss a new Will Witt video! 👉 https://www.prageru.com/series/man-on-the-street/ SOURCE

Stories of Us: Rogan O’Handley

“It felt like a lot of TV and movies were actually created as vehicles for social justice propaganda, and it spread and intensified to where you couldn’t step out of line, or else you would be ostracized.” Rogan O’Handley, also known as DC Draino, left a successful career in entertainment law to become a conservative […]

Why Girls Become Boys

Ten years ago, it was unlikely that you knew someone who identified as transgender. Today, it’s unlikely that you don’t know someone who identifies as transgender. This is especially true of teenage girls. Abigail Shrier analyzes this disturbing trend and its implications. FOLLOW us! Facebook: 👉https://www.facebook.com/prageru Twitter: 👉https://twitter.com/prageru Instagram: 👉https://instagram.com/prageru/ SUBSCRIBE so you never miss […]

Passover with Dennis Prager

Dennis invites you into his home as he conducts a virtual Passover Seder (recorded April 2020). Watch and learn as Dennis explains the meaning of the rituals, but if you want to participate along with Dennis, you’ll need the standard Passover accoutrements (one per person in your household): 1) Matzo 2) Salt water 3) Parsley […]

Fireside Chat Ep. 179 — Asian Hate: What Is True?

If you listen to the mainstream news media, you’re led to believe that anti-Asian racism is on the rise and white supremacy is behind it. Is this reporting accurate? This week, Dennis delves into the latest “spike” in attacks on Asian-Americans and the left’s habitual untruthfulness. Dennis’s column this week — The Latest Left-Wing Anti-American […]