Entries by PragerU

Defining Liberty

The Framers wrote the Constitution to protect the liberty of American citizens. But what exactly did “liberty” mean to them? More importantly, what should it mean to you? Eugene Volokh, professor of constitutional law at UCLA, explores this important issue. FOLLOW us! Facebook: 👉https://www.facebook.com/prageru Twitter: 👉https://twitter.com/prageru Instagram: 👉https://instagram.com/prageru/ SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a new […]

The Candace Owens Show: Katie Hopkins

What does it take for someone to get banned from social media? Today, it amounts simply to speaking the truth. British media personality Katie Hopkins joins Candace to discuss the dark road that cancel culture and politically correct speech lead to, and why America should heed warnings from disturbing trends in the U.K. Subscribe so […]

Fireside Chat Ep. 158 — Courage in the Face of a Mob

Many Americans don’t agree with the positions of the left, but they are afraid to be honest when confronted with questions. It’s a very new, and very troubling problem in modern America — and Dennis offers his advice. Dennis’s column mentioned: https://dennisprager.com/column/what-happened-when-a-high-school-offered-a-prageru-video/ 0:00 Otto Is Pure Relaxation 1:40 The Rarest Human Trait 3:08 Children And […]

WILL WITT LIVE Episode #20: The “Peaceful” Pillaging of Philly

Elijah Schafer of Slightly Offensive joins Will from ground zero of the Philadelphia riots to share his firsthand account of the chaos and being assaulted by looters. PLUS Scholastic Magazine is brainwashing K-12 students with left-wing propaganda, and European countries sign an anti-abortion declaration. All this and more in this week’s WILL WITT LIVE—don’t miss […]

Americanos: Emma Jimenez, Peru

Should Latinos see America as a land of systemic racism, xenophobia, and immigrant children in cages? Emma Jimenez, an independent journalist who immigrated from Peru, debunks some common myths. She also shares why becoming an American citizen was the most rewarding experience of her life. Stay up to date on our latest releases: https://www.prageru.com/series/americanos/ SOURCE

Capitalism or Socialism: Which One Is More Democratic?

What is the difference between free-market capitalism and democratic socialism? And which system is actually more fair and responsive to the needs of the people? Here’s a hint: names can be deceiving. Dinesh D’Souza has the answers. FOLLOW us! Facebook: 👉https://www.facebook.com/prageru Twitter: 👉https://twitter.com/prageru Instagram: 👉https://instagram.com/prageru/ SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a new video! 👉 https://www.prageru.com/join/ […]

Fireside Chat Ep. 157 — Addicted to Free

Until COVID, we had been living in a golden age in America—and it’s easy to take such a privileged life for granted. The unemployment rate had been at an all-time low (particularly for minorities). But Americans need to understand how important it is to earn your way through life, rather than be given everything. Dennis […]