Entries by PragerU

Who Is Booker T. Washington?

In the years following the Civil War, Booker T. Washington devoted his life to helping blacks transition out of slavery and into freedom. While his ideas were never fully embraced in his time, today, more than a century later, they remain strikingly relevant. Derryck Green from Project 21 explains. FOLLOW us! Facebook: 👉https://www.facebook.com/prageru Twitter: 👉https://twitter.com/prageru […]

In Honor of Herman Cain

“You taught me, ‘Don’t judge people by the color of their skin.’” From businessman to presidential candidate, Herman Cain left a lasting legacy. Watch this tribute from the film “Uncle Tom,” available now at https://uncletom.com/ SOURCE

Fireside Chat Ep. 145 — Are You Really Anti-Racist?

Young people are enamored with “anti-racist” rhetoric because they think they are fighting racist systems in America. The TRUTH is they are fighting America itself and the very values the country was founded on. Dennis identifies the best thing we can do to help. Get your Otto merch here: https://shop.prageru.com/collections/the-otto-collection Dennis’s Column Mentioned: https://www.dennisprager.com/column/5-arguments-against-america-is-a-racist-country/ 0:00 […]

New Video Coming Soon!

Is a college degree still the key to success? The Daily Wire Cofounder Jeremy Boreing didn’t go to college. Should he have? Find out this Monday! Get notified when the new video drops 👉 https://www.prageru.com/join/ SOURCE

Americanos: Tito Ortiz, Mexico

UFC champion Tito Ortiz shares his story growing up in California and pursuing a career as a mixed martial arts fighter. Tito’s inspirational story of challenge and success showcases the spirit that fuels America. Don’t miss this special episode of Americanos! SOURCE

The Rally That Changed My Mind

Psychologist and author Karlyn Borysenko wouldn’t be caught dead at a Trump rally. So what was she doing in a New Hampshire arena, surrounded by 11,000 cheering Trump supporters? And what did she take away from the experience? She explains what happened when perception met reality in this eye-opening video. FOLLOW us! Facebook: 👉https://www.facebook.com/prageru Twitter: […]

The Candace Owens Show: Dinesh D’Souza

Socialism is a disastrous form of government. At the end of the Reagan era, however, it appeared that socialism had been assigned to the ash heap of history. So what is fueling socialism’s revival in America? Dinesh D’Souza, author of The United States of Socialism, joins Candace this week to discuss. SOURCE

Police Union Leader: Stop Vilifying Cops

Did you know? A police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer. There is an average of 27 deadly-weapons attacks on officers per day in the U.S. These are good men and women doing a dangerous […]

Fireside Chat Ep. 144 — Expect Chaos If You Defund the Police

The difference between police and no police is the difference between order and chaos. This week is PragerU’s #backtheblue campaign and Dennis asks: What does defunding the police actually mean? What is the likely result? Sadly, we don’t have to wonder. Ride-Along mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JnF-OO6W7M Sign our Thank You card to the Police: https://www.prageru.com/defend-the-police/ New merchandise […]