Entries by PragerU

Why I Left Utopia | 5 Minute Videos

Konstantin Kisin grew up in a progressive paradise. Childcare, health services, and college were free. No one fought over race, religion, or class. Where was this utopia? And why was he so eager to leave it? 📲 Download the FREE PragerU app: https://prageru.onelink.me/3bas/vgyxvm79 Script: I grew up in a progressive paradise. The gap between the […]

How To Deal with Transgenderism in Schools with Amy Bohn | Parent Alert

Parental notification policies about transgenderism in schools are often challenged. Amy Bohn of PERK-group.com (Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids) discusses guidelines, laws, and directives that protect informed parental consent regarding gender affirmation and/or transition directives in schools. Be sure to follow @PragerUKids. 📲 Download the FREE PragerU app: https://prageru.onelink.me/3bas/vgyxvm79