Biden’s Long-Lost Western! Featuring JP Sears

President Biden keeps referencing an old John Wayne movie…

“The Price Is Rising” with Joe Biden

President Joe Biden hosts an all-new game show where you…

Hamas Terrorist Explains Complex, Nuanced Goals In Palestinian Conflict

What exactly do Hamas terrorists want from Israel? It's…

Woman Detained By Police Says Preferred Pronoun Is ‘They’

This woman - er, wymxn? - was pulled over for driving alone…

The ONLY Times Men Are Allowed To Cry

If you are a man, congratulations. You’ve won. However,…

Hateful White Men Question How Hateful They Really Are

Full video: #conservative…

White Liberal Shocked As Black Man Gets ID

Watch the full video: #comedy…

Family Makes Tough Decision To Put Aging Grandpa In US Senate

It's something millions of Americans will wrestle with…

Stop Appropriating Ghost Culture On Halloween

Their culture is not your costume. DO NOT appropriate ghost,…

Stop Appropriating Ghost Culture On Halloween

Their culture is not your costume. DO NOT appropriate ghost,…