Chicken moat run around the wood chip garden
Garden season is on the way! We are trying a few new methods…

DIY Mealworm Farm: Lessons Learned
Well, three months have gone by since we repaired the collapse…

DIY Mealworm Farm Upgrade
Cave in!!! Our prototype mealworm farm was not strong enough…

Sifting our DIY Mealworm Bins
Recently, I had the idea to raise mealworms as a supplemental…

How to cut up and prepare a jackfruit
How would you cut up a 20 lb., green, lumpy, prickly fruit?…

View of the 2017 Solar Eclipse from our farm – free ranging chickens and farm update
In today's episode, we take the chickens on a bit of a…

DIY Planter in 5 Gallon Buckets
DIY Subirrigated Resevoir Buckets. This double bucket system…

Chickens on Fresh Grass
Our chickens have been outside for a few weeks now, and…

How to raise baby chicks and clean pasty vents
On Feb. 25, we received our first 16 baby chicks! Welcome…

How To Build The ChickShaw Mobile Chicken Coop
I am so excited to share this Chickshaw project with you…