Communists Control Minnesota | Trailer | Counter Punch

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Trevor Loudon exposes how communists and Marxists have taken over the state of Minnesota. The socialist takeover started many years ago, in 1905, when thousands of communists fled Finland and settled in northern Minnesota. This movement has been growing and influencing politicians and legislation ever since, with influential characters like Mark Ritchie and Paul Wellstone.

Communist comrades have ties to the Labor Party, which is now Democraticā€“Farmerā€“Labor (DFL), and influence politicians at all levels of government, from city councils to the Senate and the governorā€™s office. In addition to the many communist front organizations like the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), leftist groups have adopted Agenda 2030.

They are pushing left-wing policies at every level throughout the state. This is why the Minnesota legislature introduces radical laws and imposes left-wing ideology onto culture. These policies are meant to advance communism in the Midwest.

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Communists Control Minnesota | Trailer | Counter Punch

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