Special Report—Trump on Trial: America at a Crossroads | Trailer | Documentaries

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March 30 was a historic day in America. A former president of the United States was indicted on criminal charges. What is the legal basis of the indictment? Is it a case that would be brought to any other person than former President Donald Trump? What are the political ramifications? How is it going to affect Trump’s 2024 campaign?

Since the indictment, Trump’s advantage in the polls over his closest potential opponent, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, has increased twofold.

But this indictment is about much more than just the former president himself. As we reflect on much of what has taken place since 2016, amid the endless cycle of charges and attempts to take down members of the other party, we are left to question the true cost of this type of “justice.” What kind of precedent are we setting for our legal system?

How far are we from the cautionary tales history has left us to reflect upon? What will happen when we can’t hold ourselves up to the standards of the rule of law?

NTD Television Network will premiere a new investigative report on the indictment of Trump. NTD correspondent Steve Lance sits down with political insiders and takes a deep dive into the case, exploring its implications for America and how it could shape the future of U.S. politics.

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Special Report—Trump on Trial: America at a Crossroads | Trailer | Documentaries

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