Fireside Chat Ep. 176 — Is It the Greatest Mistake in Human History?

Texas has ended its lockdowns and mask mandates! What was the result of the lockdowns, and what was the cost? Dennis reflects on his early statement that “the world-wide lockdowns are the greatest mistake in human history” and the incredible backlash that came with it.

LATER: A heartwarming surprise for Dennis from a WWII veteran.

Column this week – Questions to Determine Whether a Friend or Relative Is a Liberal or a Leftist:

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0:00 We Begin With A Pun
1:54 Work Is Dignity
4:50 Are We “Saving Lives”?
7:11 If Masks Help…
11:59 A WWII Veteran’s Message To Dennis
16:04 Cancel Culture Parallels To Communism
24:35 Failing Grade For Not Agreeing
24:35 Doth Saith The Experts
25:50 Come Out Of The Conservative Closet