Interview w/ Whitney Horning, Author of “Joseph Smith Revealed: A Faithful Telling”

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Whitney Horning’s book “Joseph Smith Revealed: A Faithful Telling” explores Joseph Smith’s energetic denunciation of polygamy amid the growing “new order of things” in Nauvoo.

1:00 – Whitney’s personal life, childhood, religious background, education, career, family & marriage, the evolution of her beliefs and how she came about to write the book (52 minutes)
—– Q&A —–
53:48 – Start of questions & answers from the audience
54:34 – Are you able to pinpoint one particular source for the origin of LDS polygamy?
58:28 – How do you respond to the church essays? Many members don’t even know about them but they are in direct opposition to what you are saying.
1:00:37 – In your book you talk about James Whitehead testifying that there was a revelation about sealings that was potentially changed into a revelation about polygamy (Sect. 132). If Joseph did receive a revelation about sealings a year before he died why wasn’t it ever made public or published or voted on by the church?
1:05:13 – What are the true origins of D&C 132?
1:08:43 – Do you recognize a connection between ignorance of what was actually published and people’s opposition to what they say you published? Are they informed when they oppose you?
1:09:26 – What is the evidence that the original D&C 101 was commissioned by Joseph to Oliver writing it, instead of Oliver writing it himself?
1:11:02 – If Joseph & Hyrum were innocent (and Brigham & the Twelve were guilty), then how do you reconcile the fact that so many who were very much against Brigham EITHER still turned to polygamy themselves (such as William Smith, James Strang, and Lyman Wight) OR simply accused Joseph of originating the practice (like former 1st Presidency members Sidney Rigdon and William Law)?
1:14:01 – What have you learned about Levi Hancock? Was he the one trying to marry Fanny Alger?
1:17:02 – Has your book had any impact on those who left the church and stopped believing in God all together because they thought Joseph was a polygamist?
1:18:34 – Joseph Smith III asked his mother directly if there was anything about his father and spiritual wives that she could recall. She gave a very clear no saying that Joseph had no other wives, spiritual or otherwise, ”in any sense”. That would seem to me to contradict your narrative. How do you account for that?
1:20:51 – Could you discover the Joseph Smith quotes exonerating him 20 years ago? What has changed?
1:22:21 – Did Emma actually push ER Snow down the stairs causing Snow to miscarry?
1:26:28 – what’s the best way you have found to share this message?
1:28:23 – Did Emma keep a journal? If so, do we have it, or was it destroyed?
1:29:12 – Were you able to find information from Joseph smith about Temples, and temple covenants? What other information if any do you know of that the church teaches that didn’t come from Joseph smith?
1:32:41 – Have you been able to access any of the original journals of Joseph Smith in the Church’s historical building that Emma had requested Brigham return to her?”
1:33:19 – Are there any accounts or documents from the Cochranites about their practices and ordinances? Like the D&C except for Cochranites?
1:34:51 – Did you find much connecting BY to the Cochranites?
1:36:43 – ​How do you explain Abraham and Jacobs actions in having multiple wives?
1:41:03 – ​Allegedly Brigham and others who were serving missions in England where they claim to have had revelations about “spiritual wivery” did you research the England connection?
1:41:59 – Why do you think the church doesn’t come clean on the true history of the church and origins of polygamy?
1:45:40 – Knowing what you do about Brigham, has that affected your feelings towards the modern day church?
1:49:05 – How did the “scholars” come up with the names of Joseph’s wives? What is their source material?
1:51:46 – Was there really a “secret chamber” who plotted against Joseph?
1:54:55 – Closing remarks from Whitney Horning and advice to the audience

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