Trans Kids: The Medical Scandal | 5 Minute Videos

The incidence of gender dysphoria has increased 5,000% over the past decade. A French report has called current treatments potentially “one of the greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine.” So, why do the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and many other medical associations support it?

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Rosa was a smart, happy fourteen-year-old when she met her first boyfriend.

“I found my forever”, she told everyone – until he suddenly ended it.

Rosa was devastated – and the Covid lockdowns made things worse. She was isolated in her room all day, surfing the net.

As the lockdowns dragged on, Rosa became sullen, irritable, and withdrawn.

Her tank tops and shorts were replaced by oversize hoodies and baggy sweatpants

One day Rosa came home with a buzz cut. Shortly after, she declared she was a boy and demanded testosterone.

During my medical training, Rosa’s condition, now called gender dysphoria, was so rare, I never imagined I would see even one case in my lifetime. But over the past decade, the incidence of gender dysphoria has increased five thousand percent.

What changed?

Why did Rosa believe she was in the wrong body, and that without pharmaceuticals and operations, she’d never be happy?

Why do the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and many other medical associations claim that Rosa’s delusion is normal? Why do they recommend treatment that will disfigure and possibly sterilize her healthy body?

Before I answer that, let me tell you what hasn’t changed:

Sex is established at the moment of conception. Sex is permanent. While Rosa’s body can be modified, she will never be a boy.


But my profession has been hijacked by a political crusade determined to erase the very notion of male and female.

Medical associations have become mouthpieces for the gender zealots’ radical theories:

Individuals construct their own reality. If Rosa feels she’s a boy, she is one.

Hormones and surgery are the only solutions to gender dysphoria. If Rosa wants to grow a beard and to have her breasts removed, she has that fundamental right.

Those are the premises of so-called Gender Affirming Care.