Does George Luca Regret Handing Star Wars to Disney?
It’s gone full woke.
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It’s gone full woke.
Is income inequality our biggest social problem? If we take more from the rich and give more to the poor, can we solve it? Joshua Rauh, professor of finance at Stanford and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, addresses these questions in this challenging video. This video was made possible by a generous gift from […]
Taking away more opportunities from women.
While some dismiss transgender athletes as rare, men in women’s sports is just the tip of the iceberg. Many states now push radical gender policies: taking kids from parents who won’t affirm their identity, fueling a dangerous social contagion, and cutting body parts off healthy children. Sign the petition to #SaveWomensSports 👉 📲 Watch […]
Aldo and Julie Hartman visit Cal State Northridge to see how students are coping with the 2024 presidential results. Many are convinced women’s rights are under attack, fearing abortion bans and other restrictions. But are these fears based on reality? Watch as students struggle to come up with specific examples of how rights will be […]
Sign our petition to protect kids from harmful gender surgeries.
If the government is willing to kick down the door of someone caring for an animal, what’s stopping them from doing it to you? This would not have happened if common sense had prevailed—something often lacking in bureaucracies. Instead, an entire squad of officers, armed with a search warrant, was sent to address the situation, […]
Flashback to when Will Witt asked students if there are alternatives to woke universities.
It doesn’t get funnier than this 😂