Entries by The Babylon Bee

A Cop’s Perspective on Defunding the Police

Detective Dan of Small Town Dicks joins Kyle and Ethan to talk about all the police issues facing the nation. Dan was formerly a K9 handler and Violent Crimes detective at the same Small Town police department as his twin brother Dave, who also hosts the podcast with Yeardlley Smith of the Simpsons. Dan regards […]

CNN: ‘Death Star Destroys Alderaan In Mostly Peaceful Demonstration’

“The demonstration of the superweapon was mostly calm, mostly peaceful,” said a CNN reporter on a deck of the Death Star as millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. “Everyone on the bridge here was very orderly. Only a couple of people have been Force-choked. Most are fine.” Full Story: https://babylonbee.com/news/cnn-death-star-blows-up-alderaan-in-mostly-peaceful-demonstration […]

Podcast: Not All Cops

Today on The Babylon Bee Podcast, @Kyle and Ethan talk about the biggest stories of the week like how religious gathers and pretending to be protests so they can meet, our recent feud over putting Trump in an AWANA vest, and how all of a sudden defunding the police became a national talking point. Detective […]

The Federal Government vs. FLDS

Kyle and Ethan talk with Connor Boyack of Libertas Institute about the polygamy case, where children were taken from their parents, that Connor worked on. WATCH FULL PODCAST ▶️ https://babylonbee.com/news/liberty-for-lil-ones-the-connor-boyack-interview SOURCE

Liberty For Lil’ Ones: The Connor Boyack Interview

Today on The Babylon Bee podcast, Kyle and Ethan talk to Connor Boyack, president and founder of the Libertas Institute. They talk about weed-smoking Mormons, how many wives a man can have in an anarchist utopia, and pouring libertarian fertilizer on the saplings rather than trying to save the old, diseased statist trees.  Subscribe on iTunes: […]

Clever Churchgoers Avoid Arrest By Disguising Themselves As Rioters

“We already have the righteous indignation thing down,” said one church elder. “Now, we’ve simply added black balaclavas, hoodies, Guy Fawkes masks, and baseball bats! We found that when we do this, we can meet in large groups without much interference from the local authorities. It’s been a delightful experience.” ➡️ https://babylonbee.com/news/churchgoers-avoid-arrest-by-disguising-themselves-as-rioters SOURCE