Entries by The Babylon Bee

The Cheesecake Of Justice

On this Babylon Bee podcast, Kyle and Ethan talk about the biggest stories of the week like our cities burning down, the most righteous heroes of the riots, SpaceX scrubbing a launch because of a nosy Karen, and all our politicians suddenly became Bible experts overnight. Be sure to stick around for the main topic […]

Why On Earth Would You Abort A Puppy?

Lila Rose of Live Action tells a story about Planned Parenthood being asked if they would abort a puppy. It goes just about how you’d expect it to go. Watch the full podcast: https://babylonbee.com/news/save-the-babies-the-lila-rose-interview SOURCE

Save The Babies: The Lila Rose Interview

Kyle and Ethan talk to pro-life activist Lila Rose from LiveAction.org about opposition to her organization, politicians gaslighting, and fostering a culture of life. Watch Kyle and Ethan get owned by facts and logic and be told their jokes are bad. Be sure to check out Lila’s new podcast: The Lila Rose Show. Subscribe on […]