Entries by The Babylon Bee

The New Babylon Bee Best-Of Collection Has Finally Arrived!

Kyle and Ethan crack open their new book: The Sacred Texts of the Babylon Bee. This is an exclusive look at the Bee’s first best-of collection, which contains all-new content, redone Photoshops, bonus sidebars and infographics, and more. It’s all packaged in a beautiful, Bible-like cover on glossy pages with glorious, gilded edges. Enjoy. See […]

Alisa Childers: The Dangers of Progressive Christianity

Today on The Babylon Bee Podcast, Kyle and Ethan talk to Alisa Childers, who first gained fame by being in the Christian Pop band, ZOEgirl. Alisa has since moved on from music into becoming a Christian Apologist with her own podcast and her debut book, Another Gospel?, available wherever you find books. Alisa’s apologist story […]

Austin Petersen, The Secular Dudebro, On Why He’s Pro-Life

Austin Petersen shares his Pro-Life stance from a secular perspective to the Babylon Bee writers. While explaining how Christians can share ways even Atheists can be Pro-Life, Austin shares on how capitalism has helped create more human life in the past.   See the full show here: https://youtu.be/gURSeC52k1U Subscribe to the Babylon Bee to get the […]

Austin Petersen: Secular Pro-Life Dude Bro Interview

Today on The Babylon Bee Podcast, Kyle and Ethan talk to Austin Petersen. Austin Petersen ran for President in the 2016 election with the  Libertarian Party and is the founder and chief editor for The Libertarian Republic Website. He is described as a secular dude bro that is Pro life and finds more in common […]