Entries by Welcome Back Woods

Sifting our DIY Mealworm Bins

Recently, I had the idea to raise mealworms as a supplemental protein source for our chickens. We started out with a small input of 200 mealworms, all of which we let grow into adult darkling beetles. We had just begun to see baby mealworms in the lower bin, so I decided to try to sift […]

DIY Planter in 5 Gallon Buckets

DIY Subirrigated Resevoir Buckets. This double bucket system uses the process of capillary action to draw moisture up a soil wick. This allows you to water your plants less frequently, and keep them at an optimal hydration level. It is a low cost,, low maintenance way to grow some food in a small scale. #nodroughtaboutit […]