Brigham’s Handcarts: Trip from Hell or “All is Well”?

The migration west to Utah is full of all kinds of stories:…

Elijah’s Visit in 1836: Fact or Fiction?

According to modern LDS church history, heavenly permission…

Brigham’s Priesthood Ban: How Blacks Were Denied Priesthood in The LDS Church

A documentary that shows how the black priesthood ban of…

The First LDS Polygamist: Joseph Smith or Brigham Young?

Did the LDS/Mormon polygamy teachings start with Joseph…

Brigham’s Priesthood Ban

The history of Brigham's introduction of the race-based…

Did Joseph Smith Teach Polygamy? Live Debate

Despite the plethora of public condemnations of polygamy…

Was Joseph Smith Really A Polygamist? Live Debate

Did Joseph Smith practice polygamy or didn't he? If he…

Why Was The Nauvoo Expositor Really Destroyed?

Some insist that the Nauvoo Expositor was destroyed because…

Baptisms for the Dead?

Where did this concept of "baptisms for the dead" originate?…

New & Everlasting Covenant… of Marriage?

Explore the documentation behind the claim that marriage…