Entries by The Babylon Bee

Homeschool Family Visits Woke Library

A mother takes her homeschooled children to the public library, only to find it’s changed a lot since she was a kid. Join @BRAVE_Books’s Freedom Island Book Club today! Use code ‘BEEBRAVE’ for 20% off: https://buff.ly/40am6Ub #woke #comedy #homeschooling #babylonbee #awakenwithjp

Woke Shark Tank: How Crowdfunding Works

Today we take a look into how woke crowdfunding companies work. How do they approve campaigns? Find out! GiveSendGo, the fundraising platform that actually stands for values liberals profess; Diversity, Inclusivity, and Love. Start a campaign today: https://www.givesendgo.com/site/signup_email #sharktank #comedy #woke #crowdfunding

Who Could Win In A Fight Against Superman? feat. Dean Cain

Are you constantly arguing about who would win in various superhero matchups? Whether you’re a Batman fan, Wonder Woman gal, or don’t know much about DC Comics/Marvel at all, we’re sure Superman is a regular contender in your hypothetical fights. So we enlisted the help of the greatest live-action Superman from the 90s, Dean Cain, […]